A Storm is ComingAs the storm clouds gather and your urgency for preparation ramps up, you may discover that you are having a harder time maintaining focus on the spiritual side of your preparation. While it is important to be physically prepared (as much as the Lord and His wisdom have directed you), we must not allow those concerns to supersede the spiritual preparation required for the days ahead. This is critical for you, for those in your spheres of influence, and (most importantly) for the kingdom of God

We must keep, at the forefront, God’s desires to make us His instruments of refuge, truth and freedom to those He has gather around us. The coming season will provide incredible opportunity for ministry to the lost and wandering children of God. I hope and pray that the following reminders will encourage, edify and equip you in your spiritual preparation.

Let me share two additional thoughts before you consider this list. First, there is nothing here that we should not be doing anyway. Second, God knows you cannot do all this at once. He will direct you, by His Spirit, to the one(s) that will be most profitable to His kingdom.

  1. Do “these sayings of Mine” – The most obvious thing we can do to prepare for any storm is to follow Jesus’ instruction for building a strong house (Matthew 7:24-27). How can we do what we do not know? Begin by prayerfully reading the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7). You will learn that you cannot, in your own strength, do all that Jesus commanded. Don’t be dismayed; for the One Who can lives in you; to live the life that can. God is working in you to will and do to His good pleasure. Surrender, trust and obedience are the keys.
  2. Find the center of God’s will for this season – God is always orchestrating for His purposes: to restore His reign over, intimacy with, and habitation in His people. The desires for these things are also in your heart. Find them and surrender to them. For more on this, check out A Storm is Coming – Spiritual Preparation is Paramount; as well as the accompanying assessment articles.
  3. Understand and believe Ephesians 6:10 – Grace has been given for our obedience to this command. Our strength comes from an abiding relationship with Him. How do we abide? The answer can be found in John 15 (the whole chapter). Furthermore, the” power of His might” in Ephesians 6:10 is the authority Jesus Christ has been given to reign over all things. Coming under that authority gives us strength for the storm.
  4. Check your armor – Continuing in Ephesians 6, we recognize that our armor is for “the evil day” (v. 13). We also recognize that each piece of armor is a description of what Jesus Christ is to His followers. He is our salvation, peace, faith, etc. Make a prayerful assessment of your armor. Put on Christ!
  5. Begin practicing Philippians 4:4-7 – These verses are God’s prescription for peace. Practicing the process now will renew your mind to go there when the chaos of the storm begins.
  6. Be suspicious of fear – Ask God to reveal your fears and anxieties about the future. Now is the time to deal with them. What Satan intends for evil, God will turn to good. He will set you free from the fears of this life, to walk in the triumph of His.
  7. Let the possibilities excite you – The days ahead will provide many opportunities for the followers of Jesus Christ to be all that we have desired to be: To love our neighbors as ourselves; to give what we have of the world’s goods to those that are in need; to lay down our lives for the brethren; to please our Master by investing our talents wisely; etc.
  8. Be diligent; and strive to enter the kingdom – Read 2Peter 1:5-11 and Luke 13:23-27. No one can be diligent and strive for you; and you cannot do either of these things for anyone else. We must turn our hearts to the One Who can; and we must encourage one another.

In closing, let me remind you that you are the leaders He has chosen for this season. By His grace and wisdom, you will be His mighty men, women and children in the coming storm. He will use you to protect and train others. I am truly blessed to be in this great adventure with you.

Humbly yours and forever His,